Public Safety

Alderman Reilly’s top priority is public safety, and he works closely with the Chicago Police Department to find creative ways to improve public safety in the ward.

Police District Info

See public safety map

Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS)

  • CAPS is a partnership between police, community leaders, business owners and local residents and is the foundation of the City’s community policing philosophy. CAPS brings together the police, the community, and other city agencies to proactively identify and solve neighborhood crime problems, rather than simply reacting to problems after the fact.
  • Problem solving at the neighborhood level is supported by a variety of strategies, including neighborhood-based beat officers; regular Beat Community Meetings involving police and residents; extensive training for both police and members of the community; more efficient use of city services that impact crime; and new technology to help police and residents target crime hot spots.
  • With CAPS, police officers continue to enforce the law and respond rapidly to serious crimes and life-threatening emergencies. But CAPS recognizes that the police alone cannot solve the city’s crime problems. It takes a combined effort of police, community, and City government working together.
  • Alderman Reilly is committed to improving public safety in the 42nd Ward and the alderman, or a representative from his office, attends each beat meeting. Look for the beat meeting updates, time and locations here or contact the districts listed below.

To look up your police district and beat meeting, please visit https://operations.chicagopolice.org/FindMyDistrict or view Alderman Reilly’s 42nd Ward Beat Map (link).

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